This sci-fi film, directed by Korean Bong Joon Ho (also director of Parasites), raises uncomfortable questions about the origin of our food. Specifically, about genetically modified meat, through the story of friendship between Okja, a “super pig” created by an agrochemical corporation called Mirando, and young Mija (Ahn Seo-Hyeon). The two live in the mountains taking care of each other, but the conflict begins when Mirando wants her back to participate in a pig beauty pageant in the United States. Mila will do everything she can to stop the multinational corporation and its CEO, Lucy (Tilda Swinton), from taking her friend away. The film delivers strong messages that acknowledge animal intelligence and sensitivity while strongly criticizing the meat industry, one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases.
Available on Netflix. Running time: 118 minutes.
This mind-blowing story won the Oscar for best documentary in 2021. If you haven’t seen it, we’ll explain why we think you shouldn’t wait any longer. Craig Foster is a prominent documentary filmmaker who has filmed some of the world’s most dangerous animals, worked on famous productions like Blue Planet II, and even discovered new species. However, an existential crisis that led to depression made him take a break and go back home to Cape Town, where he began diving daily into the sea. Underwater, in the middle of a kelp forest, is where Foster met an octopus which he began filming for eight years. My Master the Octopus is the result of those 3000 hours of filming. Craig shows the incredible friendship he establishes with this highly intelligent octopus, which he claims taught him more than any human. A refreshing love story to enjoy with a glass of Gran Reserva Sauvignon Blanc.
Available on Netflix. Running time: 1 hour and 25 minutes.
Six years after winning the Oscar for The Big Short, director Adam McKay released this comedy that tackles the global climate crisis last year. Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence play Randall Mindy and Kate Dibiasky, two astronomers who discover an imminent catastrophe: a comet is approaching planet Earth and will eradicate it. They begin a relentless journey to alarm humanity and try to save the planet: they manage to talk to the President of the United States (Meryl Streep), a tech billionaire (Marc Rylance), and TV hosts Brie Evantee (Cate Blanchett) and Jack Bremmer (Tyler Perry). However, the information is tough to digest. This ambitious film divided critics with its verdict, labeling it hilarious and pretentious. That’s why we invite you to watch it to make up your mind about the film. Why not while sipping a glass of Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon? A wine with tension to match this film.
Available on Netflix. Running time: 2 hours and 18 minutes.
This optimistic documentary, narrated by actor Woody Harrelson and featuring celebrity appearances by model Gisele Bundchen, posits the theory that soil could offer a solution to the climate crisis thanks to its ability to sequester carbon. Through the experience of scientists and farmers, this documentary argues and explains the healing power of soil through regenerative agriculture. At the same time, it reviews how mechanical plowing and pesticides have led to soil erosion because they do not allow for the fixation of carbon, causing, among other things, desertification. Thus, it provides several small solutions we can all start practicing to counteract the climate crisis. We believe this is a captivating and hopeful documentary, ideal for enjoying with a Gran Reserva Malbec, which stands out for its soft and sweet tannins.
Available on Netflix. Running time: 1 hour and 24 minutes.
We comply with the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and legal responsibility to balance benefit and purpose.
We adopt an Impact Business Model, creating beneficial links between business, community, and environment.
The Gran Reserva vineyards are an important part of the project to conserve native forest areas and protect local biodiversity. Our native forests have the ability to retain rainwater and control the kind of climate change that results from water shortages.
We take care of 1,432 hectares of protected forests and, on average per vineyard, a total of 105 species of fauna and 48 species of registered flora.
Our effort to preserve nature begins with responsible water consumption. 99% of the water we use comes from surface and subterranean sources.
Our vineyards are drip irrigated, which translates to a 90% efficiency on water consumption, and over the past 3 years, we’ve reduced our water footprint by 10%.
All of our winemaking processes require the use of energy. Our choice to invest in clean, renewable energy reflects our desire to co-create a sustainable planet for the future.
100% of the electricity used to make the wines in the Gran Reserva collection come from renewable sources, including solar energy.
Concha y Toro has been certified under the Wines of Chile Sustainability Code since 2012, which means that our vineyards are officially recognized as sustainable vineyards.
The wines in our Gran Reserva collection are crafted entirely from estate-owned grapes in sustainably managed vineyards.